Some gluten-free flour, water, and a little patience are all it takes to make a sourdough starter at home. Within as little as a week of tending to your living, breathing starter (aka your new pet), you can have a thriving culture that has the ability to provide fresh sourdough bread loaves, waffles, and even pizza dough for as long as you keep it alive and well.
Join Sadie as she shows you how to make a sourdough starter from scratch. She uses buckwheat flour in this example, but you can use any flour you have lying around, including rice, sorghum, or cassava flour.
And although everything that we do at Bread SRSLY is gluten-free, you can apply the same techniques shared here using a wheat or rye flour too.
Sourdough making is a rewarding project for curious home chefs and baking enthusiasts, and feeding the starter makes a fun task for kids. Let us know how your sourdough experiments turn out by tagging us on social media (@breadsrsly and #breadsrsly).
Have fun!