Gluten-Free Croutons

Total time: 15 min
Yields: Close to 3 cups

Small, crunchy croutons -  the finishing touch for any salad or soup.



1/2 loaf stale or dried out Bread SRSLY sourdough

3 tablespoons olive oil or butter 

One garlic clove



Cut bread into 1-inch cubes. 

In a large skillet over medium-high heat, heat the olive oil or butter. Add the bread cubes and stir frequently. If the bread absorbs all of the olive oil or butter before they start to golden, add more as needed. 

Taste a crouton or two after they've been golden for a minute or two, and remove them from the heat once they meet the crispiness-level of your choosing.

For a little bit of extra flavor, toss in a garlic clove or chopped herbs right as the croutons start to golden. Be careful to not let garlic brown! 

Serve immediately or within a few hours - these savory morsels are best when eaten fresh.